This is what I love most about my job: you try to stay in the loop with what other teachers do with their students, and then you read Nina's task she gave her tutees, so before too long you are intent on writing your own answer. Oh, that Scrooge-like nature of mine: why would I give it away when it is so sweet to take myself?) The question was: "If the city where you live was a person, what character would it have?" My answer about St.Pete: He is a demanding but fair partner: not a sugar daddy who bestows his treats in return for dubious favors. He knows what self-worth is and names his value by asking: how can you contribute? I can mentor you, I can steer you, I will astound you with my sapience. What about you? Are you shrewd enough to venerate what I'm about to share? Will you pass on my legacy? A baby I need not - a seed is what I seek. Okay, okay, I'm not that stingy, please feel free to bring your ideas to the table. Not only about St.Pete naturally. Photo by Ekaterina.

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